When Angel, Millie and Dolly arrived with Dogs Friends in Somerset from lives spent breeding, they didn’t look like this.
They were filthy dirty, their coats were matted and they had clearly never had a day of care in their lives. They had however produced many puppies for the puppy market.
They went straight into foster care and were soon cleaned and tidied up, seen by the vet for vaccinations and initial assessment and began settling into a home for the first time in their lives.
All three dogs will require extensive dental work, their mouths are full of rotten teeth and infection.
After a few days with her, their fosterer explained how they were getting on
“They have settled beautifully and are very happy living with two other rescue dogs. They must be terribly uncomfortable with the state of their teeth.
They are still very nervous and will cower and hide if you walk near them, but if I’m sitting down they will gently approach for some calm fuss.
We will be taking things slowly and at their pace - walks and trips out are not on the cards yet. In the meantime we are working on appropriate socialisation at home.
As with almost all dogs from breeding backgrounds, Angel, Millie and Dolly are most comfortable around other dogs. Their foster siblings are helping them adjust to home life well, showing the sofa is a safe and comfortable place.
MARCH 2023
Millie’s spay and dental went ahead and she is recovering well with her fosterer. Angel’s operations were not as straightforward. During her dental 24 teeth were removed and she had already lost 12. A few days afterwards, she started passing profuse amounts of blood and was rushed into the emergency vet. She was given everything that was needed to stabilise her condition, stayed overnight and thankfully is now recovering back with in her foster home. Thanks to the kind support of people like you, we are able to support rescues like Dogs Friends when the unexpected - which often means costly - happens.