When 7 year old Maya suddenly fell ill and collapsed, an emergency visit to the vet resulted in immediate admission to stabilise her.
Initial investigations failed to identify the cause of Maya’s symptoms and a specialist referral was made. Thankfully, Maya’s symptoms stabilised. With costs rapidly rising, insurance cover exceeded and borrowing and appeals to friends just managing to meet the first tranche of treatment costs, leaving the specialist fees outstanding, it was agreed that Maya could be discharged with close monitoring at home.
It is the aim of Schnauzerfest to keep families together and help dogs receive veterinary treatment where it is needed, within the limits of what the charity can do. An application for financial assistance was received and quickly assessed by the charity Trustees. They understood the urgency of the situation and the need to control costs while ensuring Maya received appropriate care.
We have clear processes to ensure that in all cases we help, charitable criteria are met. Maya’s met these and in discussion with all parties, including the referral practice, a Schnauzerfest Grant was agreed. Maya and her owner could start the week in a lot better situation than where they were plunged over the weekend.
We are very grateful for the support of our donors and supporters which enables swift decision making when it is needed.