Cilla was adopted in 2016 after leaving a puppy farm. She had cataract surgery whilst in rescue, funded by Schnauzerfest donations. In recent weeks her mobility has been causing some concerns.
After seeing her vet for advice, a course of physiotherapy was started. Initially Cilla made good progress and it was evidently helping. She also seemed to enjoy it.
Cilla having phyiso with her sister Clara looking on as Lucie the Vet Physio works.
However, a few days ago there was a sudden decline in Cilla’s ability to use her back legs. While this was alarming, Cilla did not appear to be in any pain and was her usual happy self. Clearly though something else is going on.
At this stage, the exact cause and extent of her problems is unknown. The only way to find out, and to know what the treatment options - if any - are is for Cilla to have an MRI scan. We had hoped this would happen before Christmas but it wasn’t possible in any of the referral centres which were contacted.
However, Cilla’s family are looking after her beautifully. She has a buggy so she can get out and about, is equippped with nappies to save accidents in the house, and a set of wheels for herself just in case these are the way ahead for her. Whatever is needed to make Cilla’s life happy and comfortable her family will do.
A neurology referral is in place for the new year and if treatment options are there, Cilla will have whatever is in her best interests for a good quality of life. If love could heal whatever is wrong, she’d be leaping around with all four legs in the air, she is a deeply loved and cherished dog.
June 2023
A few months on from Cilla’s crisis and she is walking again! Her surgery went ahead as planned and she spent a few weeks recovering with the dedicated help from her family. Recovery involved crate rest and restricted movement and walking for a few weeks, building up over time as her healing progressed.
Unfortunately, Cilla developed an ulcer in her eye during her recovery. This created almost total blindness which presented a serious additional challenge for Cilla. However, with time, veterinary treatment and many weeks of daily, multiple eye drops, the ulcer healed and Cilla regained partial vision (she only has one eye). This helped her confidence return and her mobility reflected this.
Today, she is managing decent, regular, if a little slow, walks and every week her family notice improvements as her body strengthens and her balance and fitness continue building. As an older dog, it may well be that Cilla never fully regains her former agility and stamina, but, that’s ok, what she has, is the ability to move independently, she’s pain free and she is very happy with life!
After enjoying months of good health and increasingly strong mobility, sadly Cilla’s health rapidly declined over a couple of days. She was admitted to a referral hospital where it was hoped her problems werre treatable. However this wasn’t to be. Her owner Kathleen explained,
"Today we had to make the sad decision to stop Cilla’s pain and let her be at peace. Cilla was totally blind when rescued from a puppy farm . But nothing was going to stop her! She had a cataract operation which was a partial success and in subsequent years, one of her eyes was removed. More recently she successfully had her slipped discs repaired giving her a whole year ( almost) of happy living.
After her horrendous start in life at the puppy farm, and her subsequent challenges , she had 7 1/2 years with us and she lived and loved every moment. She was a noisy, funny and lovable little sweetheart who took most things in her stride. You all made that possible and I can’t thank you all enough.”