Puff and Pickles were breeding schnauzers until for whatever reason, they were no longer needed. Dogs Friends Rescue took them in and both went into foster homes in time for Christmas. Unlike many dogs from breeding backgrounds neither dog has any obvious health issues, aside from being overweight. Both are also happy to be close to humans and are learning well in their respective foster homes all about being a member of the family.
The breeding industry has many faces. At the worst end of the spectrum, dogs are treated atrociously, suffer neglect to the point of death, or near to that by the time of rescue. Many never leave the places alive. Puff and Pickles are examples of dogs who are not ill treated in this way. They likely did have regular human contact as they are not terrified or even human-averse. Dogs can leave the breeding industry overweight, this is not a sign of being fed ample good food, cheap, unhealthy, filling food is the culprit.
Both Puff and Pickles are progressing well in their foster homes. A Schnauzerfest Grant is supporting their rescue to cover vaccinations, neutering and other essential veterinary needs to help them head off to their new homes.
Puff and her new friend Nova
Puff and Pickles both start the new year in their wonderful new homes. Puff joins Roo, her adoptive brother and has settled in quickly. She has also met new friends, Nova and Sally. Puff has a great life ahead of her, with beach walks and friendship, safety and lots of love on hand.
Pickles new life includes three canine adoptive brothers, Hector, Herman and Wilson. He is in a happy, wonderful home and loving his new life. He enjoys walking, playing and is mischievous. He could not be a happier dog who has known what a less than pleasant life can be.