When we were contacted by Cotton’s owner for urgent help, little did we know that what happened to Cotton was almost a mirror image of what Teddy was experiencing who we would hear about the following day. Two dogs in the same week with loss of eyesight caused by sudden onset of diabetes.
Cotton was adopted at the end of 2021 and is a very much loved companion. He leads an active life with his family and is the centre of their life. Due to personal health issues and the cost of living pressures, Cotton’s veterinary costs for his diabetes are covered by a national charity. It is impossible for his owners to fund cataract surgery. But, Schnauzerfest can, thanks to your amazing support for the charity.
After speaking with our team and receiving advice, a consultation was quickly in place for Cotton to be seen by the Royal Veterinary College Ophthalmology centre. This confirmed that Cotton is a suitable candidate for double cataract surgery which is booked in for later this month, covered by a full Schnauzerfest Grant.
Despite being a small charity, through the generous support of you and all our wonderful supporters, we were able, in the space of a couple of days, to commit to paying for treatment which will amount to around £12,000 for Cotton and Teddy. Both are dogs whose lives have been drastically affected by sudden sight loss but who will regain everything once the surgeries are successfully done and recovered from. This is where your support goes. Thank you.
“Cotton is an active dog, we walk three times a day together. He is my world and want the best for him”
Cotton’s double cataract surgery went ahead at the RVC and he made a great recovery without complications. Both he and his family are delighted and thank every donor for making it possible to restore Cotton’s sight.