When 8 year old Monty developed diabetes and soon afterwards suddenly lost his eyesight his owners were thrown into a situation they found difficult to manage. Monty struggled to cope with his blindness and with their age, they were finding it very hard to cope. They arranged a specialist consultation and cataract surgery was recommended to take place as soon as possible. Monty’s insurance would not cover the costs of it and as pensioners, there was no way that his owners could finance it in full. Fortunately, they were advised to get in touch with us and a Schnauzerfest Grant was put in place to assist. Monty’s cataract surgery is booked in for the end of the month.
“Thanks for agreeing to help us with Monty’s treatment, we are very grateful. He is really struggling now, even walking around our house”
Monty’s cataract surgery went ahead and he is recovering very well. He has always been a sensitive dog and hasn’t enjoyed having to wear a cone at all. But has enjoyed sitting on mum Sue’s knee for cuddles. There’s always a silver lining. There have been no post-op complications and he is now starting to return to his usual self.
“We took him for a nice walk and it was amazing the transformation from how he was only a couple of weeks since. We’ve got our little dog back and it’s all thanks to Schnauzerfest and the kind generosity from donors and fundraisers.”
Monty’s recovery from his eye surgery has gone very well indeed and he need not return for a check up now for another 4 months. The vet is pelased with how well he is doing. With his diabetes more under control and his sight restored his family say he is a like a new dog.
“He loves catching balls, meeting and playing with other dogs in the park and being by our side wherever we go with the confidence of his regained eyesight. This is all thanks to the fantastic generosity of the amazing people supporting Schnauzerfest”