
Milo is celebrating his first birthday but 6 months ago it looked doubtful that this day would come.

Milo was born with Extrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt, ‘liver shunt’, which required specialist surgery. Without this, Milo’s life expectancy would have been severely shortened.

The surgery went ahead, and Milo’s recovery began. The surgery is extensive, but there is an excellent prognosis if it is successful. We’re delighted that for Milo this was the case and he is now celebrating turning a year old and thriving.

It’s his birthday today, he made it to a year and without your amazing charity I don’t think I’d be wishing him a happy birthday, so from the bottom of my heart thank you!

After a few bumps in the road I think we’re finally in a place where I can say he’s doing really well and acting and doing as a schnauzer his age should be.

Thank you again
— Milo's owner