At the end of April when we launched Woofternoon Teas for Schnauzerfest we were pretty sure fun would be had. But, when, how and where we would just have to wait and see.
We’re delighted to say that just two months on, over £1200 has been raised by Schnauzerfesters enjoying tea, cake and friendships around the country. Fun has been had in abundance for humans and their canine friends - exactly what Schnauzerfest is all about!
“We enjoyed a wonderful ‘bring & share’ picnic and kindly bought homemade cakes and dog treats by donation. We also had a raffle and a cake auction. ”
“We had 23 doggos and a whole heap of people join us, there was lots of homemade cakes, nibbles, a tombola and a toy swap. We’ve totted up the donations and raised £313 ”
Others have celebrated wedding anniversaries and dogs’ birthdays with Woofternoon Tea parties with friends and family, raising money while having a great time.
Julie, Tim and Doma celebrated special days with friends and family. And Southend Schnauzers found the perfect tea, cakes and china for the very first Woofternoon Tea to take place in April.
Lincolnshire schnauzers were lucky to have an amazing balloon arch gifted for their event. Organiser Natalie gathered raffle prizes from businesses, hired a hall and everyone had a great time raising almost £300.
If you’re inspired to hold your own Woofternoon Tea for Schnauzerfest, we have a bunch of handy resources like bunting, collection boxes, food labels and more which you can download here. And a quick checklist to get you going…
Hold your Woofternoon Tea when and how it suits you. It’s as easy as putting on the kettle, with a few extras. It might be you and a few friends at home, or colleagues at work. There are lots of ways to make your Woofternoon Tea fabulous. It doesn’t have to be big and certainly not complicated. Above all, keep it fun as having fun while FUNdraising is an absolute must for every Schnauzerfester!